Obawan Has Taught Him Well – Biden Bud Gets $20 Million Taxpayer Loan To Build Business …in Ukraine

August 22, 2012 04:52

Biden’s close friend and campaign donor John Hynansky secured a taxpayer funded loan of up to $20 million to open a luxury car dealership in the Ukraine.  Yep, that’s right the UKRAINE!


by at Godfather Politics


Both Barack Obama and Joe Biden keep hammering Mitt Romney for outsourcing jobs overseas.  Just yesterday I saw another Obama commercial that mentioned Romney’s career at Bain Capital and how so many people lost their jobs when he sent jobs to other countries.  Biden mentioned Romney’s outsourcing when speaking recently in North Carolina and Virginia.

At the same time Biden criticizes Romney for sending jobs overseas, Biden’s close friend and campaign donor John Hynansky secured a taxpayer funded loan of up to $20 million to open a luxury car dealership in the Ukraine.  Yep, that’s right the UKRAINE!  And since it is a taxpayer based loan, that means you and I are basically the co-signers for the loan and if Hynansky defaults on the loan, you and I are going to have to pay it off with our tax dollars.  So ask yourself how many people in the Ukraine are going to be able to afford Porsches, Land Rovers and Jaguars?

According to the loan documents, John Hynansky, Michael Hynansky and Alexandra Vadas (Hynansky) are the sponsors for the loan to LLC Winner Imports Ukraine, Ltd.  So what relationship does the Hynansky family have with Joe Biden?  Listen to how Joe Biden described John Hynansky when speaking to an audience in the Ukraine in 2009, (voice clips starts at 4:37):

In 1999, the Hynansky family donated a total of $28,715 towards Biden’s senatorial campaign.  Of that $28,715, $7,690 came from John, another $7,690 from Michael and $7,280 from Alexandra for a total of $22, 660 of the family total.

In 2008, when Biden was named as Obama’s running mate, the Hynansky family donated $35,350 to the Obama Victory Fund.  Of that total, John donated $30,800 and Alexandra donated $2,550.

John Hynansky and his family bought a U.S. taxpayer backed loan by donating to Biden and then Obama and Biden.  The loan will create jobs in the Ukraine at our expense while millions of Americans are out of work here in the U.S. and Biden has the audacity to criticize Romney’s record.  He needs to look closer to home before opening his mouth, but then Biden has rarely seemed to care what he says.

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