Articles By: Mike Whipple

April 3, 2015 04:22

Welcome to the gay pitchforks and torches

Remember when we were promised that there would be a religious exemption to all the pro gay laws? Notice how the Nazi hedonists are always portrayed as people of love and compassion? The thought police are in full force in America. Agreeing with radical hedonists is now the government issued stamp for commerce. Perhaps the mark of the Beast? Agree or close up shop. Agree or face bigotry, death threats and public humiliation. Welcome to the devilution of man.

February 23, 2015 06:47

Stalin, Muhammad and Obama

“it’s disheartening (to put it mildly) that the Western left simply cannot live without dreaming of an impossible utopia to be imposed by one ideology or another on the rest of us. Radical Islam? It’s a “religion of peace.” Just as Soviet Communism was an ideology of peace, justice and brotherhood.” – By Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (ret.) at

February 23, 2015 04:30

American Sniper a Hero to Iraqis

‘American Sniper’ is packing theaters in Baghdad. In fact, the film played to sold-out theaters in the first week. Moreover, it was so popular that Iraqis had to book their tickets in advance.

February 17, 2015 05:18

Why the Dems Will Choose Amnesty Over Security

Media heads are trying to blame the GOP for DHS running out of funding but it is the Senate Democrats “amnesty before anything” that stops security funding. Here’s why.

February 16, 2015 06:13

Maybe There Should Be a Comedy Propaganda Award Named After Jon Stewart

We should call it the Jon Stewart Goebbels Award after Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda.

February 4, 2015 07:11

Gallup Confirms Fake Unemployment Numbers

We’ve had several articles debunking the low unemployment rate myth. Gallup CEO Jim Clifton reiterates the falsehoods in his Gallup article linked on Drudge.

October 7, 2014 05:18

Democrats LIE to get Elected – Don’t Be STUPID Again

Kentucky Senate candidate Grimes shown to be lying about support for coal to fool Kentucky’s largely Democrat voters who have had some of the lowest electric rates in the US thanks to coal. Recent EPA policies have cost Kentucky thousands of jobs in coal and related industries and made the cost of electricity skyrocket just as Obama promised he would do in 2008.

June 24, 2014 18:25

Obama’s radical agenda for America extends far beyond EPA proposal

I call it the insane factor. The things our government is doing are so insane that people do not really believe it or are so overwhelmed they tune out. This article by Peter Morici at Fox News gives a little peek behind the curtain at what Ozbama is doing to (as he promised) fundamentally transform America. ~ Editor

June 19, 2014 08:42

Worst President Now Dangerous

“who has made very clear that his desire is to weaken the nation.” – Liz Chaney While the world burns Obama plays golf (he set a record for presidential time golfing) and says our big new enemy is global warming (now known as climate change). In his commencement speech to West Point cadets Obama said: “spirit of cooperation needs to energize the global effort to combat climate change, a creeping national security crisis that will help shape your time in […]

May 8, 2014 07:56

Lower GI Pay to Buy $150 a Gallon “Green” Fuel?

The Econuts are in charge of our national security. While the JCs call for lower pay and benefits, they pay as much as $150 per gallon for “green” jet fuel to prop up left wing campaign supporters and their insane business scams that bilk taxpayers over non-existent man-made global warming with “green” biofuels that are so expensive nobody can buy them but the government.