Post Tagged with: "abortion provider charged"

January 24, 2011 05:47

Gruesome photos included in abortion doctors grand jury report

Baby feet in jars, a baby boy ‘big enough to walk around with me’ and the killing neck cut are all included in the grand jury report of the abortion shop of horrors run by Gosnell. Warning – this is ‘choice’ at its ugliest.

January 24, 2011 04:58

CBS News Reports on Abortion “House of Horrors” as Thousands Prepare to March for Life

The Washington Post on Thursday carried a front page story featuring predictable criticism of Catholic hospitals for prohibiting abortion—or “reproductive care,” as the Orwellian liberal paper called it. Inside the paper, on page 3, was a short story from Associated Press with a curious headline: “Murder charges for abortion provider.” The placement of these stories is a concrete example of pro-abortion media bias in action.