Post Tagged with: "Al gore"

March 30, 2017 06:43

Scientists Are Liars Now

Today’s scientists get paid for results that fit their funders so “they cheat [….] and eventually you get what you want.”

March 19, 2013 03:51

Greenie lying bastards

Radical environmentalists and their allies have launched an all-out attack on “climate deniers” – scientists and other experts who do not accept the Gore-Hansen-IPCC doctrine of “catastrophic manmade global warming and climate change.” The attack is a desperate, pathetic attempt to resurrect their quest for global governance, by scaring people into believing our planet and civilization are imperiled by carbon dioxide emissions.

March 11, 2013 04:11

Gore’s Terror TV Deal Now a Major Scandal

The idea was to make the Terror TV channel “palatable to U.S. lawmakers,” a formulation that suggests foreign lobbying on Capitol Hill in order to protect the $500 million payoff to Gore and other owners and investors in Current TV.

February 14, 2013 10:04

Terrorist TV Lobbies for American Propaganda Channel

The Emir of Qatar, a multi-billionaire, runs a dictatorial regime that postures as America’s friend in the Middle East but which supports the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups such as al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah.

February 4, 2013 10:18

Al Gore’s “Global Mind” Ripe for Jihad

It is despicable, even treasonous. Al Gore and the other Democrats who had invested in Current TV, including the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein, make tons of money, while Al Jazeera gets access to American Muslims, who are potential recruits for the Jihad on American soil.

January 11, 2013 09:37

Congress Must hold Hearings on Al Gore’s Sale to Terrorist TV

Qatar has announced a deal through Al Jazeera with former VP Al Gore for his Current TV cable channel, in order to transform it into an arm of its Jihadist or “Terror TV” network, once known as a mouthpiece for mass murderer Osama bin Laden.

January 4, 2013 07:19

Terror TV Pays Al Gore $100 Million for U.S. Media Access

[T]he Obama Administration encouraged the sale of Current TV, since it financially benefits not only Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, the other co-owner who is also a prominent Democrat, but the Muslim Brotherhood and its backers in Qatar.

September 21, 2012 07:32

Antarctic Sea Ice Growth Ruins A Good Global Warming Hoax

The real crisis is not the heating of the global climate but a fear campaign coming unglued. The alarmists’ bible has turned out to be full of false prophets. – IBD

August 16, 2012 12:22

Political Connections to Drive Up Electric Rates in Delaware

In the case of Bloom Energy, some truly big hitters are involved in what can only be described as highly suspect permit applications, crony capitalism, political pressure and secretive backroom deals that will benefit the few at the expense of countless taxpayers and ratepayers. What these arrangements could do to energy prices in Delaware and other states served by the PJM electricity grid is scary to ponder – and Bloom is trying to cut similar deals in North Carolina and elsewhere.

August 6, 2012 06:29

How Democrats Say “Crony Corruption” in Spanish: Abengoa

So how did such a poorly rated, non-American company get billions in US taxpayer loan guarantees? Can you say “crony corruption?” –