O’ministration refused a Christian German family fleeing home school persecution but opens arms wide to Islamic “refugees.” The FBI caught two in Bowling Green, KY trying to send heavy weapons and explosives to Al Qaeda forces in Iraq. Hey, they were just helping Obama to “fundamentally transform” America. Here is the abc video:
Post Tagged with: "Al-Qaeda"
New book says Benghazi attack was a retaliation for secret raids authorized by Obama security adviser John Brennan
Benghazi “was retaliation by Islamist militants who had been targeted by covert U.S. military operations.” I Hate The Media
Al Jazeera and the Global Jihad in America
Al Jazeera is the voice of the Muslim Brotherhood and the various terrorist groups it has spawned, including al Qaeda and Hamas.
Appeaser in Chief Leading to Catastrophe
For those information challenged voters, Neville Chamberlain was the appeaser in chief before World War II. He spoke of “peace in our time” being reached by negotiating with Hitler before Hitler rolled over Europe, bombed England and invaded Africa.
Krauthammer: Romney missed opportunity on Obama’s Libya Lies
Obama word parsing reminds me of slick Willie Clinton and his “depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.” Obama claims using the word terror is the same as describing the attack as a terrorist attack when he and his administration spent weeks telling the the media, the world and the American people that it was just a protest against an anti-Muslim video gone wild. Can we afford four more years of politics over national security? Four more years of lies and leaks? Four more years of national suicide?
CBS Reporter Says Islamic Terrorists Are Winning
Logan said that “Pakistani lobbying money” was behind the “narrative” that the U.S. can withdraw from the region and even negotiate a peaceful solution with the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
BenghaziGate: Obama Is A Lazy Liar
Within 24 hours, the White House knew the assault on our Libyan consulate was a terrorist attack, yet a president who has no time for intelligence briefings sent his minions out to say it was just a movie. – IBD
Why Are They Lying About Terrorism to Protect Obama?
Obama has been beating his breasts about bin Laden’s death, in order to prove he can manage foreign policy. Since the economy is in the tank, this has been Obama’s only real hope of winning a second term. Polls have given him a significant edge over Romney in foreign policy expertise. All of this is now at risk.
Bin Laden Is Dead, but Al Qaeda Is Alive
Gaffe Czar Biden boasts that Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive. Obama may have whacked Osama but al Qaeda is alive and growing. The attack on the Libyan consulate that killed four Americans on Obama’s watch may be a result of Obama’s crowing about killing Bin Laden.
Krauthammer: “al Qaeda is alive and can attack”
Osama may be dead but thousands are chanting “we are Osama” as radical Islamists take advantage of Obama’s appeasement and apology foreign policy failure. A Chicago ACORN affiliated community organizer, raised as a Muslim, tutored under an anti-Semitic, anti-American pastor for 20 years has set the stage for world chaos and war. His weakening of America has brought us to the edge of an abyss, emboldened our enemies and betrayed our friends. Deceived by his mantra of “hope and change” America has committed national suicide by electing this inexperienced community agitating Marxist. Can we stand four more years of national suicide?