Post Tagged with: "American Jobs Act"

September 14, 2011 06:41

McConnell: Jobs bill a “hodgepodge of retread ideas”

“This legislation is more of an election plan than it is a jobs plan.” Senate Republican Leader McConnell explains how the “jobs ” bill is temporary stimulus and permanent tax hikes that calls for nearly a half trillion dollars in tax hikes.

September 14, 2011 06:16

Job killer in the “jobs” bill

Obama has shoved a provision into his jobs bill that would make it illegal for companies to discriminate against the unemployed, opening the door to a flood of costly, needless and ultimately job-killing legal actions.

September 14, 2011 05:53

Now 62% Of Americans Think Obama Is Doing A Lousy Job On The Economy–And They Hate His Jobs Plan

The downbeat assessment of the American Jobs Act reflects a growing and broad sense of dissatisfaction with the president.

September 13, 2011 09:15

The Obama Jobs Plan: 10 Reasons Why It Is A Bad Joke

The U.S. national debt has increased by more than 4 trillion dollars since Barack Obama took office. It is currently increasing by more than 2 million dollars per minute. We cannot afford to pile huge amounts of additional debt on to the backs of our children and our grandchildren. What we have already done to them is deeply, deeply criminal.

September 12, 2011 05:23

American Jobs Bill 2011: Too Late For A Do-over For President Obama

The ARRA [stimulus] 2009 was literally a no-questions-asked check of $787 billion reflecting the excitement and support of a newly elected (and charismatic) President. The political and fiscal climate then was one such that stars were aligned for President Obama (and the Democratic Party) to go down in the history book as the hero turning the U.S. economy around from the Great Recession…had the resource been properly utilized and implemented.

September 9, 2011 08:46

Rubio on Obama campaign (jobs) speech : “A lot of it just won’t work”

Senator Marco Rubio released a brief statement about the rehashed “jobs” plan Obama pushed at a joint session of a bored congress. “A lot of it sounds like things we’ve already tried… more government spending. If $800 billion didn’t create jobs how is $300 billion going to create jobs?” “Its a proposal based on things that just won’t work.”

September 9, 2011 04:53

Twilight Zone – Obama’s American Jobs Act

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. That’s essentially the story behind President Obama’s American Jobs Act. Obama is proposing many of the same failed policies originally included in his 2009 “stimulus” bill. Instead of learning from past mistakes, President Obama appears to be trapped in the Twilight Zone. – mnmajoritydotorg