Obama is pretending that the Progressive Era, the New Deal, and the Great Society were repealed, so that he can blame the financial crisis on capitalism. He’s pretending that George Bush was George Washington.
Post Tagged with: "Ayn Rand"
Thoughts For the Next American Revolution
America has taken a lot of hits in the last decade. One was 9/11. Another was the near collapse of the economy, followed by its slow decline. Another was the election of an authoritarian socialist, Obama.
Liberals are the True Conservatives
The psychology and attitude of contemporary liberals, from Obama on down, is one of resentment, rigidity and arrogance. It’s not idealism at all. … These are not the actions, attitudes or strategies of people who truly have anything of substance to say. They’re not idealists, but simply nihilists.
Atlas Doesn’t Shrug; Atlas Shrinks
As the rewards for work or effort declined, fewer individuals exerted themselves. Likewise as the reward to capital diminished, capital was either withheld or went to areas where it was treated more favorably. Outsourcing, globalization and similar terms are easily explained in terms of “Atlas shrinking.”
Ayn Rand Center President says Ron Paul gets radical left support
Yaron Brook also points out that Americans want their government goodies. Limited government is a task of educating the public and will take years.
Ayn Rand Center President says Ron Paul gets radical left support
Yaron Brook also points out that Americans want their government goodies. Limited government is a task of educating the public and will take years.
The Ominous Parallels
Most readers are not familiar with this work, but it applies to what is happening today. While it was written and relevant thirty years ago, it is more so today.
The Continued Relevance of Rand’s Villains
Americans are growing tired of politicians gambling away their prosperity to preserve their own power.
Altruism: Why The Republicans Will Lose The Budget Cut Battle
Altruism confers ownership rights on the needy. Under altruism, if the haves withhold things from the have-nots, that’s physical force—it’s literal theft—and government force in redress is retaliatory force, seizing “stolen” possession to return them to their rightful owners: the needy.
Greenspan Grapples for Stimulus With Ayn Rand: Amity Shlaes
Government squeezes out growth.That’s the underlying conclusion of an academic paper by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.