Post Tagged with: "Bernie Sanders"

December 9, 2011 06:26

Media Promote Global Tax as Financial Crisis Deepens

The U.N. as a whole received $7.7 billion from American taxpayers last year. The UNDP is supported by about $100 million in U.S. taxpayer money annually.

October 17, 2011 06:58

Communist Party, Nazi Party, Ayatollah Khamenei, Hugo Chavez, Obama, Pelosi in Solidarity with Occupiers

Socialist dictator Hugo Chavez and Iran’s anti-American theocrat Ayatollah Khomeini join with Obama, Pelosi and many other Marxists in the US government in supporting the #OWS protests along with the communists and former White House staffer and revolutionary communist Van Jones. Is something wrong with this picture?

November 3, 2010 18:32

Chris, tingle leg, Matthews discusses hero Saul Alinsky

Liberal pundit Chris “tingle leg” Matthews along with Communist Senator Bernard Sanders talk about their vile violent hero Saul Alinsky who dedicated his ‘Rules for Radicals’ manula for leftist radicals to Lucifer.

September 1, 2010 13:24

I.F. Stone – One Time Soviet Agent Endorsed Bernie Sanders

During his unsuccessful 1988 run for U.S. Congress, then Burlington, Vermont mayor Sanders received the endorsement of I. F. Stone, an iconic leftist journalist, alleged communist sympathizer, Soviet spy and possible agent-of- influence.