Post Tagged with: "border violence"

September 14, 2010 06:44

When Prophet and Profit Team Up

For Mexican drug cartels—with access into the U.S. through their smuggling routes—and Muslim extremists—with money to pay dearly for such access—this teaming may be a match made in Heaven. But for us it is one made in Hell.

September 7, 2010 06:04

McCain: Obama is Ignoring Border Violence Threat to U.S.

McCain said President Obama needs to walk the Arizona-Mexico border and see for himself the destruction caused by an explosion in drug and human trafficking.

August 16, 2010 04:39

Cochise County Arizona Sheriff says Border Patrol stays away from some parts of the border

Cochise County Arizona Sheriff says Border Patrol management is holding agents off of some parts of the border because it is to violent and shooting could cause an international incident.

August 14, 2010 08:29

Obama dithers while drug viloence spreads across the border

Will you wait for this violence to reach your town? It is increasing exponentially. Phoenix Arizona is the number 2 kidnapping capitol of the world. Murder, home invasions, kidnapping and massive drug smuggling occur every day in the US from Mexican drug cartels. The police and Border Patrol face automatic weapons and grenades and a federal government that seems to side with the cartels.

August 14, 2010 06:29

How Mexico and the U.S. Hope to Control Border Violence

It is worthwhile to compare and contrast what the Obama administration and the Mexican government are doing to try and stop the drug culture violence that plagues the U.S. – Mexican border.

July 28, 2010 03:53

Border widow: Is Obama feeling her pain?

This is only a small sample of the devastation caused in Arizona and the other border states. The human toll is real. The economic toll is real. The violence is increasing. Drug and human trafficking and increasingly the smuggling of terrorists from Samalia and other terrorist supporting countries is a real danger not only to those in Arizona but to the entire US.

July 20, 2010 13:28

New Terror Threat On Mexico Border

A Hezbollah-like car bomb explodes in a border town as a congresswoman asks Homeland Security about links between the terrorist group and Mexican drug cartels. This is more than an immigration problem. Our worst nightmare may be yet to come.

July 20, 2010 06:44

Token Guard troops to head to border states Aug. 1

What planet is he living on? “The border is more secure and more resourced than it has ever been, but there is more to be done,” said Alan Bersin, commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, part of the Homeland Security Department.

July 8, 2010 08:53

American faces life in prison for defending self & property from illegal immigrant thieves

In our topsy turvy American justice system you can get in more trouble defending yourself and your property with a weapon than you can being an illegal alien career criminal. An 82 year old Colorado man faces life in prison for wounding criminal illegals stealing his trailer and trying to run him down.

July 8, 2010 05:23

Experts: ‘Ridiculous’ Lawsuit Won’t Nix Arizona Law on Illegals

“The Justice Department’s complaint that Arizona has somehow preempted federal law is nothing short of ridiculous,” Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price, R-Ga., said in a statement to the media. “Arizona has simply reinforced longstanding federal laws, whose enforcement the Obama administration is now actively seeking to prevent . . . States like Arizona should not have to act on their own, but Washington’s decades of neglect for border security leave them no choice. The federal government should be vigorously securing the border, not suing the State of Arizona.”