Post Tagged with: "Carbon Sense Coalition"

June 18, 2013 05:39

Sunset for Solar Subsidies

“Any politician who bleats about high electricity prices needs to look no further than the stupid energy policies that are causing most of them. We do not have an energy crisis – we have an energy policy crisis.”

December 14, 2011 08:31

Saving the silly suckers of the South Pacific – withdraw from Kyoto

Europe’s worship of Kyoto has led them into their current fiscal mess. Believing they are gods who can control the climate by demonising carbon, they have spent a fortune on green energy, carbon trading and international junkets that has exacerbated their deficits and now condemns their industry and consumers to expensive and unreliable energy.

December 14, 2011 08:31

Saving the silly suckers of the South Pacific – withdraw from Kyoto

Europe’s worship of Kyoto has led them into their current fiscal mess. Believing they are gods who can control the climate by demonising carbon, they have spent a fortune on green energy, carbon trading and international junkets that has exacerbated their deficits and now condemns their industry and consumers to expensive and unreliable energy.

June 24, 2011 08:15

BRICS vs PIGS – the Myth that Green Energy will promote Prosperity

[F]or countries who have been driven by green zealots into the solar energy shade or the wind energy doldrums, rising power costs are destroying their industry, jobs and prosperity.

January 1, 2011 12:02

Ignore Climate Fakirs and Shamans

Europe and USA have wasted billions on the global warming industry. Residents would be better off had they spent it on reliable power stations and snow-proofing of highways, railways and airports.

December 1, 2010 05:41

The Last Fling of the Thermophobics?

The Carbon Sense Coalition today called on Global Warming Minister Combet to conserve carbon fuel by not attending the “Last Fling of the Thermophobics at Cancun”.

November 29, 2010 04:56

Boycott the Cancun Climate Circus

The Carbon Sense Coalition today called on all Australian governments to boycott the Cancun Climate Change Circus.

November 23, 2010 04:45

Cars, Cattle and Ethanol

“Over the life of a car or a cow, they both produce the same carbon emissions. Every atom of carbon extracted from the air by the green plant eventually returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, the plant food. This is the cycle of life.