The fed continues the same policy initiatives even after it fails to get the desired results they were seeking at the outset of the programs.
Post Tagged with: "cheap money"
Is Fed Policy for Illegal Wokers?
The Federal Reserve has promised to halt the insane money creation known as QE I, II, & III if unemployment falls below 6.5%. That’s where it would be if not for illegals.
Fed Policy = Reckless Endangerment
The top 5% are getting richer by the hour. That is the consequence of Ben’s policy – More wealth transfer. Is that really what most Americans want? Is that what Congress wants? – Bruce Krasting
The Psychotic Fed
The laws of economics have not changed just because the Fed chooses to ignore them. These laws cannot be repealed by the Fed nor can they be altered.
Polite Pessimism Is Not Warranted
There is no escape from the box that we are in. Printing money does nothing to heal imbalance in economies. It, up to a point, covers up these imbalances while continuing to make them worse.
Ten Major Economic Headwinds – besides Obama
Central bankers and economists are so wrapped up in warped mathematical formulas they fail to understand the obvious. The answer, which they refuse to accept, or even consider as a possibility, is that central bankers and the monetary system itself are the problem.
Peter Schiff: There is no real recovery
Economic collapse or dollar collapse? “There is no real recovery. It’s phony. It’s simply a stimulus induced consumption binge.” Peter Schiff who is famous for warning about the housing bubble is interviewed on Fox.