Each Chicago household is on the hook for more than $61,000.
Post Tagged with: "Chicago"
“Progressive” Detroit – The End Game – Is Chicago Next?
Now 130 square miles of sadness.
Why Surprised? – Obama’s Home Town and State Lead Nation in Corruption
Obama learned his politics in Chicago. Why is anyone surprised that he has one of the most corrupt and tyrannical administrations in our history?
Obama Hometown Pays Extra $.80 a Gallon for ‘fair share’
Illinois’ prices are so high because of the state’s additional gas sales tax burden.
The Chicagoization of America
The political machine doesn’t budget; it loots. It breaks the bank, raises taxes, drives out industries and rules over a feudal war zone sharply divided between the rich and the poor.
Chicago teachers personification of greedy, lazy, utterly unreasonable teacher’s unions
Chicago teachers also get the highest pay. Plus their state is going bankrupt. But none of that will put the brakes on the runaway greed of public sector unions, which are devouring the country from within like a monstrous tapeworm.
Leftist tyranny rears its ugly head in Chicago and Boston Mayor’s threats against Chick-fil-A
This is typical of the leftist fascists. Agree with me or be punished. Only their opinions are considered right.
Obama’s inner circle from corrupt Chicago political machine
Obama’s closest advisers, friends and supporters read like a who’s who of the corrupt Chicago thugocracy including convicted felons and the brother of Mayor Daley.
Obama home county releasing criminal illegals
We know Obama is desperate for votes but gee whiz. Will the immigration zealot Eric Holder sue Cook county like he is suing several states over immigration laws?
Local Debt Stuns Cook County Treasurer
[N]early $33,000 on average for local government debt, with households in the City of Chicago owing more than $63,000 on average.