We have a former board member of a radical Communist organization that admits ties to Cuban officials but not to Cuban intelligence officials going to represent the United States in the Powder Keg of Central America where half the countries basically swear allegiance to Hugo Chavez. Hugo Chavez pays homage to Fidel Castro, his mentor,every chance he gets. Any tie to Castro is a direct line to Hugo Chavez. He has been buying up more tanks jet fighters and weapons then he can afford from Russia and China and in addition to his Socialist Empire has significant ties to Iran and various South American and Islamic terrorist organizations. Hugo Chavez has brought a defacto Cold War to Central & South America in his pursuit of a Socialist Empire and I fear this ambassadorial pick will play right into his hands.
Post Tagged with: "communist"
McCain, Kyl Demand Top Obama State Dept. Official Retract Statement and Apologize for Likening AZ Immigration Law to Chinese Human Rights Violations
In a letter to Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner, the senators said that he “seemed to imply” during the recent U.S.-China Human Rights Dialogue that Arizona’s law “is morally equivalent to China’s persistent pattern of abuse and repression of its people.”
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
The reason that Social Democrats do not establish socialism when they come to power, is that they are unwilling to do what would be required. The establishment of socialism as an economic system requires a massive act of theft — the means of production must be seized from their owners and turned over to the state. Such seizure is virtually certain to provoke substantial resistance on the part of the owners, resistance which can be overcome only by use of massive force.
Apple Boycotts Glenn Beck — Promotes racist hatemonger and murderer Che Guevara
In a truly Orwellian instance of doublespeak, Apple shuns the truth and promotes a racist hatemonger and murderer who would have nuked New York if he had had nukes.
Is pop culture waking up?
Former Saturday night Live performer Victoria Jackson: sings “There’s A Communist Living in the White House!!”
The Dead Road of Socialism
The government centralized approach cannot be defended on the grounds of efficiency, fairness, financial savings
Ousted Obama official & self avowed eco-communist Van Jones to propagandize students at Princeton
Van Jones, a former adviser in the Obama Administration, has been appointed a visiting fellow in the Center for African American Studies and the Program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy at the Wilson School, Princeton. Is it surprising that these schools graduate socialists?