Post Tagged with: "congress"

June 24, 2014 18:25

Obama’s radical agenda for America extends far beyond EPA proposal

I call it the insane factor. The things our government is doing are so insane that people do not really believe it or are so overwhelmed they tune out. This article by Peter Morici at Fox News gives a little peek behind the curtain at what Ozbama is doing to (as he promised) fundamentally transform America. ~ Editor

February 26, 2014 08:47

Dem Tyranny Spreads

You can see how Obama would appoint someone to the FCC, which controls our media, who has praised the actions of former socialist dictator Hugo Chavez in suppressing free speech in Venezuela. Yes, Obama’s appointee Mark Lloyd really did that! More…>>>

December 17, 2013 08:44

O’ministration Ignores Laws – Who Needs a Congress?

If he can ignore drug and immigration laws can he suspend election laws?

December 10, 2013 10:15

The Coming Darkness

What has been growing is the wealth of the rich, the remit of the state, the girth of Wall Street, the debt burden of the people, the prosperity of the beltway and the sway of the three great branches of government which are domiciled there—that is, the warfare state, the welfare state and the central bank.

December 10, 2013 09:41

Government Stench

We’re so used to politicians being involved in things they have no business being involved in, that most of us take it as normal.

December 10, 2013 08:14

Government’s Giant Ponzi Scheme – You’re the Sucker

Government has evolved into a Ponzi scheme dependent on two strategies. The first is spending ever more of other people’s money on themselves and toward their re-elections. The second is pretending what they do has no cost — to the productive, to the economy, etc.

December 3, 2013 05:30

Lies my president told me

When caught, they dissemble, say they were “not informed directly,” issue false apologies, or fire back with “What difference, at this point, does it make anyway?!?”

November 21, 2013 11:31

50 to 100 million to lose plans in Democrat’s Obamacare Scam

The Democrats knew their plan would destroy healthcare for millions of Americans. The goal has always been to get to a government run system also known as single payer or socialized medicine. This has been the Democrats’ holy grail of totalitarian rule.

November 6, 2013 16:24

Grand Theft Obama: Biggest Heist in History

The American people are being robbed of their livelihoods, their security and their freedom. President Obama makes grand sweeping gestures and delivers soaring rhetoric about helping the poor and achieving fairness. But he merely draws our attention away from the hand that is reaching deep into our pockets.

November 6, 2013 06:03

Winds of Change

When one party is committed to eradicating the political, social, and cultural traditions that built this county in exchange for European-style socialism and the other party is committed to stopping it; … where on earth is there room for compromise in this picture?