One of the founders of the modern conservative movement, believed and affirmed traditional moral and religious values, a strong national defense and economic freedom.
Post Tagged with: "conservative movement"
The leitmotif of every speech was the loss of the GOP’s core principles of conservatism in the eager race to pander to and win the hearts and minds of various voting blocks that self-segregated long time ago from the population at large.
GOP Insiders Just Don’t Get It
A Republican Party that chooses to tiptoe around the systemic corrosion of vital cultural institutions like marriage and family, that elects to ignore the devaluation of the sanctity of life and liberty of all for the sake of one election cycle is a party suffering from the worst kind of political myopathy – a willingness to trade the long term health of the country for short term electoral gain.
75% Vote Against Romney; Door Now Open for New Candidates
After five years of campaigning, and spending tens of millions of dollars, Romney is almost exactly where he was in 2008–at 25% of the vote. Romney’s failure to grow his base and close the deal with conservatives tonight will undoubtedly renew the establishment’s search for a new candidate to replace the flagging Romney.