The ever growing list of deceit, obfuscations, untruths and downright lies of Obama’s feckless cabinet and administrators by Judge Jeanine Pirro. More …
Post Tagged with: "corruption scandals"
America Waking Up to Scandalous, Lying O’ministration
It’s bad enough that the public doesn’t trust the president and his White House czars; it is disastrous when the Obama Administration’s cronyism and scandals destroy trust to the point that the credibility not just of this administration but of the whole of the United States Government is threatened.
Socialist Democrats start transition from Obama to Hillary
“There is a cautious presumption that the nomination is hers for the taking,” said Phil Singer, deputy communications manager for Clinton’s 2008 campaign. – The Hill
Thug in Chief Puts Chicago Heat on Whistleblower
Strong-arm tactics emerge quickly when you threaten the reputation of the Obama Administration and its subordinates.
In God We Trust – Not the Losers in D.C.
Recap of the lies, lies and damn lies coming out of the Government by Judge Jeanine Pirro.
Has the Obama administration EARNED our trust on phone metadata harvesting?
[W]hen it comes to running the government in a scandal-free and non-disastrous manner this administration is notably inferior to the last one. – Moe Lane
Obama’s long history of scandals–and escapes
Ignore it. Dismiss it. Dissemble it to death. Didn’t know about it. Point at others. Have others point at others. Have others suggest the criticism is really racial. Stay aloof. Stretch the whole thing out as long as possible. Then call every ensuing question old news, that you’ve discussed it many times. Hope the problem goes away. – IBD
The “Know Nothing” Administration
Obama protectors say he knew nothing about the IRS scandal, the Benghazi fiasco and the criminal gun smuggling to Mexican drug cartels. Reminds me of Sgt. Schultz in Hogan’s Heroes. “I know nothing!!”
Rep. Issa says too many scandals to investigate all
Rep. Issa said that there are potentially 600 investigations he could hold on previous Congress and Administration but he does not have the time of resources. He also stated that the Pigford corruption fraud would be investigated but not by his committee.
List of Senate crooks taking special loan deals grows
Countrywide Dealt With More Lawmakers and Staffers Than Previously Known. They should all go to jail!