Post Tagged with: "Department of Justice"

June 4, 2012 06:52

DOJ Pushes Voter Fraud The Chicago Way

It couldn’t be clearer that the government is actively promoting voter fraud. .. Democrats have made it clear that honest elections are not something they’re interested in. – IBD Editorials

January 12, 2012 13:55

Supreme Court blocks Obama attack on religious liberty

Citing well-known legal precedent dating as far back as Reconstruction, the court made it clear that it is not up to the government to contradict a faith’s determination as to who should — and should not — be performing religious functions. –

January 10, 2012 14:59

Obama’s Arrogant Tyranny

[O]n the road to a despotic form of governance that has come to characterize his Administration …. Obama has, from early in his Administration, sought to enact a series of proposals through administrative fiat, not the legislative process

December 22, 2011 07:50

The Biased Justice Department Condones Perjury … Again

why should we be surprised? Look at how Eric Holder and his Department have mishandled the investigation into Operation Fast & Furious and repeatedly misled Congress. Holder told Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI.) that whether you are lying or misleading Congress “has to do with your state of mind.” – PJ Media

August 8, 2011 05:41

An American Politburo

Administrative actions are already replacing legislative acts as the primary governance mechanism. Just examine the number of regulations emanating from the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health and Human Services, etc, etc.

June 17, 2011 03:59

Justice in Short Supply at Obama’s DOJ

[T]he Obama Justice Department has been ideologically driven, politically correct, incompetent, and even corrupt, as they defy the courts and Congress alike.

June 16, 2011 05:20

Gungate scandal grows – DOJ stonewalling

Department of Justice and Democrats on the Oversight committee site the internal DOJ investigation as a reason for stonewalling the committee’s investigation.

March 21, 2011 10:54

Assistant Attorney General Loretta King guided more by racial politics than the law

[T]here is a racial double standard to the enforcement and that Loretta King shared and directed it as acting head.

March 15, 2011 06:01

DOJ dumbs down cop tests to promote racial hiring

Dept. of Justice is forcing cities to lower standards on tests to only needing an F and a D to become a police officer to help increase minority quotas for police departments.

February 24, 2011 07:31

Obama administration backs gay marrriage, calls DOMA unconstitutional

Attorney General Eric Holder said the Obama administration will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act which passed with bi-partisn support in 1996 and defines marriage as between one man and one woman.