It’s true that Big Government welfare socialists want to hook Americans, but more Americans than not appear to want to be hooked. There’s no widespread recognition of the fact that the drug of welfare socialism is killing them.
Post Tagged with: "Dr. Hurd"
Laissez-faire Socialism
Mandate or no mandate, the privately productive will pay for the politically protected. As in Britain and other European welfare states, the number of people clamoring to be politically protected by welfare state programs will grow. Who doesn’t want something for nothing?
Governed by Those Who Don’t Know What They’re Governing
This is not capitalism, and it’s not even democracy. It’s tyranny.
Capitalism is Peaceful, Socialism is Force
In reality, it’s not the purpose of government to do anything — except to ensure that people are left alone. Anyone who values freedom, independence and life on earth wants only one thing: Protection … including from government itself.
Liberals Don’t Hate Money, They Hate Capitalism
Liberals and socialists hate success. They tolerate it in people like George Soros and Warren Buffet, because these people use their money to actually advance the cause of socialism.