Post Tagged with: "Dream Act"

January 28, 2011 07:07

Obama Attempts to Revive Dream Act

Consider President Barack Obama’s indirect but pointed request to Republicans and Democrats to approve the Dream Act the first salvo in the battle for the Hispanic vote in the 2012 presidential election.

January 4, 2011 05:53

Immigration Battles in 2011 will Shift to States

With the possibility of a stalemate in Congress over immigration issues, legislators in at least half a dozen states are moving to approve laws similar to the one adopted by Arizona last year, according to a story published in The New York Times.

December 30, 2010 06:03

Left admits they do not want to stop illegal immigration

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews says he does not trust Democrats on stopping illegal immigration. Why should anyone else?

December 18, 2010 11:56

Dream Act fails, repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell assured

In cloture votes in the senate Saturday the Dream Act amnesty bill failed but repeal of DADT is assured.

December 15, 2010 06:06

Illegals are calling on the DREAM Act are you?

Dream Act will replace ‘old white men’ in congress says UCLA Professor Kent Wong.

December 10, 2010 05:16

Reid still pushing for Dream Act amnesty

Harry Reid stalled a vote on the house version of the nightmare Dream Act amnesty bill to allow himself time to pressure undecided Democrats and progressive Republicans. This means there will be bribes offered to overcome the will of the people. Keep calling your senator 202-224-3121

December 9, 2010 07:44

Pelosi uses founders to push Dream Act

Pelosi may never have been more hypocritical than in this speech crediting the founders of America with creating a ‘new order for the ages’ and using the ‘American dream to push the nightmare amnesty Dream Act which narrowly passed the House last night.

December 9, 2010 06:03

House passed nightmare amnesty bill – senate votes today!

Call your senator TODAY! 202-224-3121 Tell them to vote NO! on this nightmare amnesty bill. If you are not convinced to act read the articles below to see what this bill really does.

December 8, 2010 18:42

The DREAM Act Is An Amnesty Bill That America Cannot Afford

Rep. Steve King says the DREAM Act is an amnesty bill that America cannot afford. It is unjust to those who have played by the rules in order to come into the country legally, and it is unjust to American taxpayers who will be asked to shoulder the costs of rewarding illegal immigrants for ignoring the law.

December 8, 2010 11:51

Reid pushing left wing agenda

With planned votes today on the nightmare Dream amnesty Act and another push to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Harry Reid is pushing his majority hard to complete unpopular leftist agenda items before the House goes Republican in January.