It’s not 1984, says George Will, when Reagan won reelection on the improving economy, it’s 1980, when Jimmy Carter got buried by malaise. – Todd Fein
Post Tagged with: "economic stagnation"
January 20, 2011 09:41
DeMint warns of bankruptcy, draconian tax increases, and economic stagnation – offers plan to cut $2.5 trillion
Unless Washington takes swift action to cut spending, we will chain our children to debt and rob them of opportunity to reach for the American Dream. On its own, passing the Spending Reduction Act will not get us over the finish line — but we will get a $2.5 trillion head start.
December 23, 2010 10:12
Here’s The Triple Threat That Could Spin The Globe Into A Deeper Recession
2011 likely will open with a deepening recession, increasing austerity, and falling asset prices. I expect these developments not to happen gradually, but to come in great waves.