Post Tagged with: "Egyptian politics"

July 3, 2013 06:40

Obama’s war of ideas are all wrong

For Obama it doesn’t matter whether the policy is harmful to US national security. It doesn’t matter if the Brotherhood slaughters Christians and Shi’ites and persecutes women and girls. It doesn’t matter if the Brotherhood’s governing incompetence transforms Egypt – and Tunisia, and Libya and etc., into hell on earth. As far as Obama is concerned, as long as he is true to his idea, his foreign policy is a success.

September 12, 2012 08:32

Better Than They Are

So what if they burn American flags. So what if they burned 3,000 people, the ones who didn’t jump or kill themselves some other way. So what if their great ambition in life is to climb over all our walls and kill most of us and enslave the rest because the Koran, that most holy book which unlike New Yorkers must not be burned, tells them to do it. So what?

September 11, 2012 18:35

Krauthammer: Tell Egyptian mob “go to hell”

Muslim mobs have attacked the American embassy in Cairo and in Libya. Reports are an American was killed in Libya. Supposedly upset by an internet video originating in the US the mobs have burned the American flag and stormed the walls of the embassy. The state department has issued a wishy washy statement apologizing for free speech in the US. I don’t ever remember them apologizing for any denigration of the Christian faith. Fox News reports mobs are continuing to grow.

Recently the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood came to power in Egypt in what was hoped would be an “Arab Spring” with a surge of Democracy. The Arab Spring has turned into a Muslim Brotherhood nightmare as radicals take over in Egypt, Libya and soon in Syria.

August 22, 2012 10:28

Middle East Nuclear Arms Race?

Thanks to Obama’s brilliant maneuvering with radical Islamists we now could be looking at a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Iran will soon have nuclear weapons and has declared it wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and kill all infidels. Now a retired Egyptian General is calling for a nuclear equipped Egypt. Is there any other reason to drill baby drill and make the US independent of Middle East terrorist funding oil? Can we stand four more years of foreign policy incompetence?

July 23, 2012 03:42

Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Issues Raising Perplexing Questions

What shouldn’t get lost in all this are the policies of the Obama administration that have helped facilitate the ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood, particularly in Egypt.

July 2, 2012 06:36

Obama Funds Muslim Brotherhood Middle East Hegemony

You’d think it would at least tie aid to Cairo to verifiable actions on the ground, not platitudes and eyewash for Western audiences. Instead, it’s already releasing $1.5 billion in no-strings-attached cash to the new regime. – IBD

April 4, 2012 06:30

Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘Perception Management Team’ to Washington, D.C.

Its purpose, in advance of the new constitution that the Brotherhood will be writing for Egypt in coming months, is to soothe American concerns over the coming transformation of the Egyptian government from a military dictatorship with Islamic undertones to a frankly Islamic one.

February 6, 2012 12:15

Justice Ginsburg to Egyptians: Forget the US Constitution

Like Obama Ginsburg does not like the US Constitution. It is too limiting and does not allow for a large centralized all powerful government that can implement the leftist social engineering agenda. There is a reason our Constitution has survived for over 200 years.

December 8, 2011 05:59

Egyptian activist to Obama: Stop Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood

Egyptian political activist Cynthia Farahat says the administration “should stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. The founders of Hamas and al qaeda are not moderate and they should not be engaged in talks with them.” … “They [Muslim Brotherhood] should be on the list of terrorist organizations”

December 8, 2011 05:59

Egyptian activist to Obama: Stop Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood

Egyptian political activist Cynthia Farahat says the administration “should stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. The founders of Hamas and al qaeda are not moderate and they should not be engaged in talks with them.” … “They [Muslim Brotherhood] should be on the list of terrorist organizations” In a Q&A session, Rep. Joe Pitts asked Egyptian political activist Cynthia Farahat a question about US policy toward her country. Ms. Farahat testifies before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the House […]