Post Tagged with: "electric cars"

December 19, 2011 17:56

Obama subsidizing the rich to prop up Chevy Volt sales

Already wasting billions in paying off the auto unions by bailing out Chrysler and GM, Obama pushes his green dreams which have become a nightmare reality in the Chevy Volt. Always crying that the rich need to “pay their fair share” Obama then subsidizes the rich when they purchase already heavily subsidized electric cars. Its OK though he’s using your money to subsidize them.

January 20, 2011 06:11

A jolt for the Volt? Loses range in cold weather

The Wall Street Journal’s Jonathan Welsh discusses whether the electric vehicle can make it through the winter weather. Government subsidies and government purchases have failed to prop up Chevy Volt sales. Electric cars are essentially coal powered since 46% of electricity is generated by coal.

November 22, 2010 06:33

Electric cars could cause blackouts

Electric cars can draw as much power as a small house putting stress on neighborhood transformers and power grids. And remember most electricity comes from coal and oil so you’re not doing anything for the environment except creating toxic waste batteries.