In 2010 wind energy technologies received $5 billion in federal (taxpayer) subsidies, or $56.29 per megawatt-hour of electricity actually generated, and photovoltaic solar power received $968 million or $775.64 per mWh of actual electricity – while reliable natural gas-generated electricity received a paltry 64 cents per mWh.
Post Tagged with: "energy jobs"
Future of American Energy: Obama’s Anti-Energy Environmental Extremists or Romney’s Free Enterprise Pro-growth
The Obama vision has been an unmitigated disaster. Countless failures, bankruptcies and layoffs are matched by a need for perpetual subsidies – taken from hard-working, productive people and businesses, and given by unaccountable bureaucrats to failed technologies and companies, run by crony-corporatists who return the favor by contributing substantial portions of our compulsory taxpayer largesse to the reelection campaigns of cooperative politicians.
America’s Energy Bonanza = Millions of Jobs
America’s ongoing energy revolution is one of the real bright spots in an otherwise sub-par economic expansion, and provides one of the best reasons to be bullish about America’s future.
Middle Class Caught it Obama’s Green Crossfire
American families, workers and taxpayers are caught in a vicious crossfire from President Obama’s army of renewable energy, anti-hydrocarbon, anti-economic growth regulators. From the White House to Energy Secretary Chu, Interior Secretary Salazar, EPA Administrator Jackson and thousands of unaccountable bureaucrats, the administration is raising energy costs, killing jobs, stifling job creation, and turning dreams of opportunity and prosperity into nightmares for millions of Americans.
“Green” Energy Receives 82X More in Tax Preferences – Time to Drill, Baby Drill
“Since taking office, Obama has invested billions of taxpayer dollars in private businesses [mostly in renewable energy companies], including as part of his stimulus spending bill. Many of those investments have turned out to be unmitigated disasters — leaving in their wake bankruptcies, layoffs, criminal investigations and taxpayers on the hook for billions.”
States That Have Recovered Jobs the Fastest Have Booming Energy Sectors
Energy is responsible for these states’ job recoveries “to a very large degree,” says Jim Diffley, senior director of U.S. regional services at IHS Global Insight. “In North Dakota and Alaska, the energy sector is predominately very much the single most important factor.”
White House Lied, Jobs Died – more proof administration is really ANTI-jobs
This election isn’t just about jobs, jobs, jobs. It’s about the lies, lies, lies that have led to massive job destruction — and the ruthless corruptocrats using our tax dollars to whitewash their radical green agenda. – Michelle Malkin
The Obama administration’s anti-energy policies and supporters
Americans are being deliberately starved of the energy sources we have in abundance. We are being robbed in the form of higher prices for electricity produced in the most expensive fashion, wind and solar, instead of affordable coal. Not only are gasoline prices up, but the government continues to demand more mileage per gallon of gas.
Obama’s “green” jobs lies
The BLS’ new category of “green goods and services” uses an arbitrary and expansive definition to inflate its numbers, but even if the accounting made sense, the category would still be useless for policymakers. If the government really wants to help with job creation, it should just get out of the private sector’s way.
Krauthammer: Obama shuts down coal industry, kills jobs, raises electric rates – offers algae
Obama warned us in 2008 that under his plan “electricity rates would necessarily have to skyrocket.” He also told crowds that he would ask Americans to “sacrifice” by paying higher energy costs and higher gas prices. America had a collective brain freeze in electing Obama in 2008. Will we let it happen again?