In addition to controlling the frightened low information humans into the green compliance and indoctrinating the next generation into the smart growth of green, there are fortunes to be made from the sustainability schemes and scams at the expense of the middle class
Post Tagged with: "environmental justice"
Eco-imperialism joins vulture environmentalism
Obama appointees seek to impose ideological control over our energy, economy and property
Government of, by and for the activists
They all share the same goal: enrich and empower activists, bureaucrats and liberal politicians – while controlling and impoverishing the rest of us – all in the name of protecting the environment.
Facing a triple threat: Doha, EPA and Congress
This is not science. It is political science, rooted in a loathing of hydrocarbons, economic growth and humanity. It’s ideological, religious – the only state-sanctioned, state-supported religion permitted today.
“Environmental justice”: A new leftist movement to restrict your movement
But what do civil rights have to do with transportation projects? When combined with environmentalism, they can stop almost anything. -Washington Times
Overthrowing Environmentalism
The lies required to maintain environmentalism and its vast matrix of laws and regulations are being publicly rejected and a recent example is a letter sent to NASA administrator by fifty present and former astronauts, scientists, and engineers who work for NASA is a seminal moment, not unlike Martin Luther’s 95 theses nailed to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg.
Modern dancers, bed-bug battlers, earth worshipers get EPA ‘environmental justice’ grants
[T]he Environmental Protection Agency provided $1 million in grants to 46 different non-profit and tribal organizations to promote what it called “environmental justice.” Since 1994, a little-noticed EPA program has handed out a total of $23 million in such grants to 1,253 organizations, for stated purposes that observers are questioning. – Daily Caller
More UN global nonsense – Gender Comes to Climate Change
How much more waste of American dollars is going to take before taxpayers have had enough? Is it not time for United Nations to move their headquarters to Africa? United Nations is primarily concerned with Africa, controlled by third world dictators, and is not promoting the interests of the developed world at all. – Canada Free Press
I fully expect these charlatans to announce that Santa may not show up on Christmas Eve if we don’t do something about climate change. Hurricanes from space By Alan Caruba There are no lengths and no depths to which Greens—environmentalists—will not go to advance the greatest hoax of the modern era. It used to be called “global warming”, but when that was exposed as based on falsified computer models put out by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the […]
Durban climate due diligence
Chanting climate change advocacy groups want non-compliant businesses and industries found guilty of crimes against the planet, so that condemned industrialists can be hunted down and punished. This is destructive of reasoned scientific debate, affordable energy and modern civilization. By Kelvin Kemm From my vantage point here in South Africa, I could hardly miss the major build-up to the COP-17 United Nations world environment and climate conference, which is being held November 28 to December 9 in Durban, where I […]