A Republican Party that chooses to tiptoe around the systemic corrosion of vital cultural institutions like marriage and family, that elects to ignore the devaluation of the sanctity of life and liberty of all for the sake of one election cycle is a party suffering from the worst kind of political myopathy – a willingness to trade the long term health of the country for short term electoral gain.
Post Tagged with: "establishment Republicans"
September 16, 2010 13:30
Rove is a Teaparty fan
Karl Rove defends his conservative credentials citing support for Sharron Angle, Marco Rubio, Ken Buck and Kelly Ayotte with Sarah Palin. He denies being an ‘establishment’ Republican.
September 15, 2010 05:04
Christine O’Donnell interview at the victory celebration
‘Every day Americans rising up to take back their country.’