The biggest risk is that created by our own politicians and institutions – by those we trust to somehow protect us from risk.
Post Tagged with: "European Central Bank"
After The Banksters Steal Money From Bank Accounts In Cyprus They Will Start Doing It EVERYWHERE
How would you feel if you woke up someday and 40% of all your money had been taken out of your bank accounts?
European Union and the Failed Welfare State
Could it be that rich and productive countries are tired of subsidizing social welfare, re-distribution of wealth schemes, failed multiculturalism, and sloth?
“Entirely Self-Made” Debt Crisis; I Love My Family But …
The average 7th grader likely understands that he cannot spend more money than he has for years on end. The average economist does not.
European Banks Facing Disastrous Sell Off
That would hurt credit and crimp growth by 4 percentage points next year in Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain, Europe’s periphery. – Bloomberg
The Largest Economy In The World Is Imploding Right In Front Of Our Eyes
If you believe that Barack Obama, Mitt Romney or Ben Bernanke can somehow magically shield us from the economic shockwave that is coming then you are being delusional.
Eurozone Steepest Contraction Since June 2009; Unwarranted Hope and Reflections on Panic! Economists Can Neither Think Nor See
The global recession which started in Europe, is strengthening led by further declines in the eurozone.
Why OMT Cannot Possibly Solve Anything; Monti Warns Italian Unions; Over 200,000 Jobs at Risk; Italy’s Insane Labor Rules
The first structural problem is preposterous labor work rules in Italy, Spain, and Greece. The second structural problem is the ECB and the euro itself. One size interest rate policy cannot possibly work in a mix of cultures and work rules.
Some Of The Really Bad Things That Could Happen If You Do Not Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse
We all need to get mentally, emotionally and spiritually prepared for what is ahead.
Strategic Petroleum Reserves: The New Monetary Tool?
If the ECB is going to target an interest rate for Spanish Bond Yields on the 10=Year why not set actual targets for Oil as well.