If there was any truth to the claim that CO2 is heating the Earth, one would have to ignore all of its previous ice ages that were followed by natural warming periods, including the most recent mini-ice age from about 1300 to 1850.
Post Tagged with: "global tax"
U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy
Do we want to give up our wealth, weapons, the ability to defend ourselves, our economic freedom, our property, our country, our way of life, and sovereignty to the United Nations, run by tin pot third world dictators, in the name of “social justice” dictated by Agenda 21?
Dodging U.N. Bullet
Like “abracadabra,” these nebulous concepts were supposed to transform the world into a Garden of Eden global community, under United Nations auspices, that will use less, pollute less, and save species and planet from their worst enemy: humans.
Environmental Protection or Global Governance? Reality Vs Spin
We said the issue over Climate Change wasn’t really about protecting the environment but about redistribution of wealth. They called us “deniers.” But who is really denying the truth?
EU adopts plan to take over sovereign nations’ budgets – welcome to the EUSSR
Eurozone leaders backed a ten year plan that would give an EU treasury powers over national budgets. The plan uses vague leftist socialist code words that could be interpreted to justify just about any decisions made.
L.O.S.T. in U.N. La La Land – another Dem push for global government
[Law of the Sea Treaty would] establish control over 70% of the world’s surface; create an international governing institution that would serve as a model for bringing nation states like ours to heel; and redistribute the planet’s wealth and technology from the developed world to themselves.
O’ministration selling out US to global climate reparations tax
The Obama administration continues to push a global tax to take money from the U.S. and other developed nations to give to other nations under the U.N. plan for wealth redistribution. The global warming hoax has been thoroughly discredited and even U.N. climatologists admit it’s all about the money.
The United Nations Wants To Crash The World Economy In Order To Save The Environment
If the United Nations actually succeeded in implementing this agenda worldwide, it would crash the global economy and it would be the end of national sovereignty. Unfortunately, many of those that are promoting this agenda are absolute fanatics about it because they are convinced that they are saving the planet.
Media Promote Global Tax as Financial Crisis Deepens
The U.N. as a whole received $7.7 billion from American taxpayers last year. The UNDP is supported by about $100 million in U.S. taxpayer money annually.
UN green end run could cost US billions
UN [plans] taxes on carbon, international travel and shipping, international financial trades of stocks, bonds, derivatives and currency, and a wire tax for producing electricity, plus eliminating individual-country subsidies to fossil fuels and diverting that money to the Green Climate Fund.