Post Tagged with: "global taxes"

June 18, 2013 08:03

U.N. Continues Push for Global Hegemony with Climate Hoax

Uncle UN is going to make sure that our wealth is evenly distributed across the planet in its global communism vision.

January 16, 2013 11:21

All Americans to Pay More Global “Fair Share”

Who really believes that climate change, poverty, and inequality are a greater source of conflict than the military posturing of totalitarian regimes like Iran and North Korea? Apparently liberals do and are trying their hardest to convince the brainwashed low information Americans.

July 11, 2012 10:48

UN clings to climate hoax to push global tax and control

Obama’s tax philosophy gone global! Obama is all for this. He is the next president of the leftist, Marxist UN. The EU collapse is an example of how greater centralized government fails. The further from the people the government gets the more arrogant and disconnected they are. First they came for the rich….. Hold on to your wallets.

June 26, 2012 09:52

Sustainable Development: The latest UN scare

Advancing “social equity” and “environmental justice,” in ways that Rio+20 sought to do, would actually have meant perpetuating poverty for developing countries, and reducing living standards in wealthier countries. The goal, as in all previous incarnations of Rio+20, was to ensure more equal sharing of increasing scarcity – except for ruling elites.

June 14, 2012 05:40

UN uses warming myth to justify tax on American families

We’ve warned you that the climate myth is all about the money. UN leaders and other globalists want more power and influence as a global government.

March 21, 2012 03:59

RINO Lugar’s extreme makeover hides globalism, Soros ties

As Lugar’s true colors as a globalist begin to be covered by the national media, another embarrassment has emerged. A local elections board has ruled that Lugar can’t vote for himself in the primary, scheduled for May 8, because he doesn’t live in the state. Once known as then-Senator Barack Obama’s closest Republican friend in the Senate, he is now running as somebody opposed to the Obama agenda …

December 12, 2011 11:09

UN: US to pay climate reparations for harm to Mother Earth

Taxed Enough Already? The UN doesn’t think so. The new plan by globalists to extract wealth from the US and redistribute it to other nations in the name of “climate change” calls for global taxes on travel and financial transactions. They also want a world court of “climate justice” to be able to assess the US and other developed nations for reparations from harming “Mother Earth.”

December 9, 2011 06:26

Media Promote Global Tax as Financial Crisis Deepens

The U.N. as a whole received $7.7 billion from American taxpayers last year. The UNDP is supported by about $100 million in U.S. taxpayer money annually.

November 4, 2011 04:00

Bill Gates Urges Obama to Embrace Global Tax

[T]he Gates Foundation, proposes a financial transaction tax (FTT) as well as taxes on tobacco, aviation and bunker fuel, and carbon (energy), by G20 countries and other members of the European Union.

October 12, 2011 14:27

“Occupy Wall Street” to Push for Global Tax

[T]he threat is not only a “Wall Street financial transactions tax” that could affect ordinary investors but a global tax to finance various international agencies and causes.