Cincinnati IRS employees reject the White House’s claim that the targeting was merely work of “rogue” agents and say targeting of conservative political groups came from Washington, D.C.
Post Tagged with: "House Oversight and Government Reform Committee"
Money laundering added to Fast and Furious gun scandal
Rep. Issa says DOJ is incompetent. Fast and Furious was “out of control.” Now there are questions about money laundering by DEA. “Looks like [Holder] is out of touch.” Congressman Issa explains the latest stonewalling in the Fast and Furious scandal.
Money laundering added to Fast and Furious gun scandal
Rep. Issa says DOJ is incompetent. Fast and Furious was “out of control.” Now there are questions about money laundering by DEA. “Looks like [Holder] is out of touch.” Congressman Issa explains the latest stonewalling in the Fast and Furious scandal. More Fast and furious videos
Obama’s DOE pressured Solyndra to delay layoffs until after election
Emails show that the energy department used loan funding as a threat to Solyndra to delay a planned layoff announcement until after the 2010 elections.
Issa: NLRB broke the law in stonewalling on Boeing investigation
In another example of Obama style “transparency” the the National (Union) Labor Relations Board has refused to fully comply with a congressional subpoena in investigations about the rogue agency illegally interfering with Boeing’s non-union plant in South Carolina.
Oversight Chairman-elect Darrell Issa: Striking fear in the hearts of Democrats
Subpoena power, in other words, means that Issa, who will soon be the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, can legally compel the Obama administration to hand over virtually any document it has.