Post Tagged with: "House Oversight panel"

June 3, 2013 07:42

IRS Agents Say White House Lying About IRS Scandal

Cincinnati IRS employees reject the White House’s claim that the targeting was merely work of “rogue” agents and say targeting of conservative political groups came from Washington, D.C.

December 8, 2011 04:59

Money laundering added to Fast and Furious gun scandal

Rep. Issa says DOJ is incompetent. Fast and Furious was “out of control.” Now there are questions about money laundering by DEA. “Looks like [Holder] is out of touch.” Congressman Issa explains the latest stonewalling in the Fast and Furious scandal.

December 8, 2011 04:59

Money laundering added to Fast and Furious gun scandal

Rep. Issa says DOJ is incompetent. Fast and Furious was “out of control.” Now there are questions about money laundering by DEA. “Looks like [Holder] is out of touch.” Congressman Issa explains the latest stonewalling in the Fast and Furious scandal. More Fast and furious videos

July 15, 2010 11:40

List of Senate crooks taking special loan deals grows

Countrywide Dealt With More Lawmakers and Staffers Than Previously Known. They should all go to jail!