Post Tagged with: "Immelt"

August 24, 2011 04:09

Obama “jobs” chief Immelt to send jobs to China

“I don’t think these people are as good as they think they are. I don’t think they think this is a problem. I don’t think they see Jeffrey Immelt as anything other than a conduit for them to the fortune 100 fortune 500 community of CEOs whom they can muscle for campaign contributions and backdrops for economic venues for the president to appear at.” – Karl Rove as Bill O’Reilly rails about Obama’s “jobs committee” chairman’s propensity for moving jobs to China.

February 3, 2011 15:37

Obama gives bud Immelt waiver on new EPA rules

Immelt’s GE uses NBC and MSNBC to push Obama’s warming agenda and then gets a waiver on the punishing EPA rules as a reward. Check out the interactive Immelt connections match at the bottom of ‘RELATED ARTICLES’.

January 25, 2011 05:45

MSNBC calls Beck ‘dangerous lunatic’

An MSNBC host tries to paint Glenn Beck as anti-Semitic and calls him a dangerous lunatic. He worries about alleged death threats to radical revolutionary Francis Piven but never mentions threats against Beck. MSNBC is part of the GE conglomerate and has been an avid supporter of Obama and his agenda. Recently GE CEO Immelt was appointed to Obama’s economic advisory committee.