[N]ow our utopian lawyer-kings, our armies of bleeding-heart social justice activist, our legions of bureaucrats stamping their papers over our skulls, our grinning black-robed activist judges wielding their gavels like swords, are cringing in terror before a Muslim mob.
Post Tagged with: "Islamist extremism"
September 12, 2011 06:30
Rumsfeld: Obama “much worse” at being too PC about radical Islam
Rumsfeld expressed regret that the Bush administration had been too worried about political correctness in the war on terror but the Obama administration is “much worse.”
February 4, 2011 06:03
Fort Hood attack: Did Army ignore red flags out of political correctness?
A Senate report on the Fort Hood attack suggests that the Army failed to heed warnings about the prime suspect because it was wary of singling out a devout Muslim.