It could also partially explain the administration’s eagerness to falsely blame the attack on a YouTube video that Muslims found offensive, rather than acknowledge poor security conditions and a growing al-Qaeda movement in the region. After all, the President believes that core al Qaeda is on the run.
Post Tagged with: "Islamists"
Leaders of groups identified by the federal government as fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood are given top seating for presidential speeches and are welcomed into the Oval Office to offer their advice prior to presidential trips to the Middle East.
Obama/Holder Justice Department Threatens Free Speech, Punish Criticism of Islam
U.S. attorney Killian has generated outrage by vowing to use federal civil rights laws to punish those making critical comments about Islam.
Homeland Security guidelines advise deference to pro-Shariah Muslim supremacists
Napolitano has shown a keen interest in monitoring and warning about outspoken conservatives, [but] takes a very different approach in monitoring political Islamists
Three Benghazigate Women
Wednesday the House Oversight Committee sought the truth about the Benghazigate scandal. Three women stand out.
Radical Christianity vs. Radical Islam
Christianity exports its radicals to bring life and hope, while much of Islam does so to bring death and despair.
Live by the Sword and Die by the Drone
Uncle Sam did not raise the sword. Uncle Mohammed did, more years ago than anyone can count, and the sword has never been lowered since. As long as Mohammed is at the gates, Sam cannot put down the sword and spend all his time discussing monetary theory or social justice. Not if he expects to still be wearing his head by morning.
Allen West and Frank Gaffney on North Africa jihad
Frank Gaffney, Jr., President of Center for Security Policy, joins Col. West to discuss the Obama administration’s enabling of anti-American Islamic jihad.
Appeaser in Chief Leading to Catastrophe
For those information challenged voters, Neville Chamberlain was the appeaser in chief before World War II. He spoke of “peace in our time” being reached by negotiating with Hitler before Hitler rolled over Europe, bombed England and invaded Africa.
Obama’s Best is the Worst
It is said that one is “known by his friends”, but the friends of Barack Obama have not been friends to America.