Post Tagged with: "Jeremiah Wright"

December 26, 2011 06:36

Ron Paul Has “Same Foreign Policy as Jeremiah Wright”

Washington Post editorial writer Charles Pane told the FOX News Sunday panel today that Iowa voters may be about to crown someone (Ron Paul) with the foreign policy views of Jeremiah Wright the winner.

November 30, 2011 14:31

Obama in 2006: I ‘stole’ book title ‘Audacity of Hope’ from Rev. Wright, ‘my pastor’

Senator Barack Obama, then campaigning for Democrats before the 2006 midterm elections, praising Reverend Jeremiah Wright and telling an audience that he “stole” the title of his book “The Audacity of Hope” from Wright’s sermon of the same name, which he “loved.” Obama also referred to Wright as “my pastor.”

July 5, 2011 05:38

Obama’s pastor says all white people are liars

Rev. Wright, Obama’s pastor for twenty years, speaking at the First African Baptist church youth explosion tells the crowd of children “white people” lied about many things and they are lying when they say he is controversial. This man taught our “post racial” president for twenty years.

March 29, 2011 04:29

Obama Deconstructed: An Interview with Jack Cashill

Cashill makes a convincing case that Obama did not write the two books that helped launch his candidacy, Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope. He argues that Dreams was actually written by William Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist who was a founder of the communist Weather Underground.

March 16, 2011 09:03

Rev.Wright Admits Black Liberation Theology and Socialism the Same, Attacks Beck, Palin, Tea Party

Pulpit of Hate 2011: Rev.Wright Admits Black Liberation Theology and Socialism, Even Marxist Sound the Same, Capitalism is a Demon, Attacks Beck, Palin, Racist Tea Party, US and Christians Support for Israel.

September 24, 2010 04:25

Communists to Be Welcomed at Progressive March

The mainstream media, however, can be expected not to highlight the fact that the Democratic Party and its constituency groups, which are running the rally, have made common cause with communist groups dedicated to the destruction of the American system and withdrawing U.S. military power from the Middle East in the face of global Islamic terror.

September 2, 2010 04:01

Black liberation theology, Marxism and the 2nd killing of Christ

I went to Chicago and visited Trinity myself, heard Jeremiah Wright, spent time in the church bookstore, and returned home with my own stack of Cone’s books. If only Mr. Rutten had done likewise, he might have wisely steered clear of the topic altogether. Instead, he has dug himself into a pit of theological quicksand.

August 25, 2010 08:27

Soros Has a Pastor Close to Obama On His Payroll

The tangled web woven by George Soros served as a safety net for Barack Obama when he needed rescue from the exposure of Jeremiah Wright as an America-hating radical. Pastor Jim Wallis lied about receiving money from George Soros’s Open Society Institute.

August 24, 2010 03:49

Muslim, Christian, or Marxist?

The American people now seem to get it, even though the truth about Obama’s relationship with Davis has never been thoroughly explored by the major media. A poll from the Democracy Corps, a Democratic Party firm, found that 55 percent said that Obama could accurately be described as a socialist. This is far more than the number of people who see him as a Muslim.

July 22, 2010 05:49

Organized media campaign against Palin and for Obama explains poll disparity

While a Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds Obama would lose to an unnamed Republican and his approval rating has dropped to the lowest yet, American voters like Obama more than Sarah Palin, giving him a 49 – 45 percent favorability, while she gets a negative 35 – 49 percent. The Daily Caller expose of the organized leftist media campaign to prop up Obama and bury negative stories about him while targeting Palin with a vicious smear campaign may shed light on those numbers.