Post Tagged with: "jihad"

March 27, 2012 06:31

Islamic Jihad: Hurry Up or Wait?

I would liken Islam to an ideological Black Death that must be faced up to by politicians and intellectuals. There’s no such thing as a “benign” Islam. It is a death-worshipping ideology from top to bottom. And the only way to emasculate it is to repudiate it in its entirety. – Capitalism Magazine

March 12, 2012 06:12

You’re Americans. Act like it!”

America was founded on an idea that Americans could pursue their own happiness by farming their own land, digging their own wells, drilling for their own oil, panning for their own gold, providing for their own safety, and generally being left alone. Today government won’t allow or seriously curtails the rights of Americans in all those areas.

March 1, 2012 13:52

Islamic News Agencies Target Thomas More Law Center

“What (school officials) are doing … is to give Muslim students religious benefits that they do not give any other religion right now,” Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel at the Thomas More Law Center.

March 1, 2012 04:40

George Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood

Soros is waging his own personal ideological war against America by shoveling seemingly limitless funds into organizations giving life to his “progressive” vision of social justice. –

February 21, 2012 07:43

Islamic Rules for Radicals

A global caliphate is the end sought by Islam, a “heaven on earth.” Leftists also pursue such a “heaven on earth” (an ideal world of “social justice,” a preserved planet, the equalization of wealth, a guaranteed existence, etc.) and are also willing to wage not only violent war against the “system” to bring it about, but practice their version of taqiyya, or double-speak, or the policy of saying one thing in public and meaning something else entirely. – Capitalism Magazine

February 13, 2012 07:46

Bachmann on Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures

Michele Bachmann at CPAC 2012 spoke of foreign policy failures of the President. She talked of his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which is an enemy of America.

January 3, 2012 14:31

Jihad plotting persists in mosques

80% of mosques in America were preaching hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity ultimately to impose Islamic rule. Just recently, in the summer of 2011, came yet another study that showed that only 19 percent of mosques in the U.S. do not teach jihad violence and/or Islamic supremacism. – Human Events

December 21, 2011 09:02

Jihad explained by a jihadist

Sheik Quddum of the Jordanian Tahrir Party explains what jihad means for westerners. The Obama administration has removed all references to jihad or even Muslim or Islamic terrorism from national security reports.

December 7, 2011 16:09

Obama administration calls Fort Hood massacre ‘workplace violence’

Lawmakers blasted the administration for putting political correctness above military security. – Catherine Herridge at Excerpts: Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation’s Armed Forces at home. During a joint session of the Senate and House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, the Maine Republican referenced a letter from the Defense Department depicting the Fort […]

November 1, 2011 17:12

Gaffney: Obama sides with radical Muslims in Arab uprisings

Center for Security President Frank Gaffney discusses the Obama administration’s response to the “Arab Spring” on Fox News Channel.