Mocking even serious issues like Iran getting a nuclear bomb, VP Biden seems out of touch with the harsh realities facing Americans. Four years of economic suicide and all he offers is laughter and derision. Huckabee says he will do great in his next job come January, Woody Woodpecker.
Post Tagged with: "Joe Biden"
Biden Distracts While Obama Steals our Freedoms
[T]heir distractions are wearing thin and the American public are looking for a truthful assessment of our grave situation not foolish and disrespectful obfuscation.
You Lie! The Auto Bailout Was a Failure!
New CF&P video exposes Obama / Biden’s claim to fame as a costly taxpayer funded boondoggle.
Biden – Boxer – Reid connected to billions lost on corrupt green energy scandals
New emails show that billions in green “jobs” money was doled out on a political basis not for any expectation of jobs or saving the planet. A former Biden staffer turned political money launderer uses his ties to Biden and senators Harry Reid and Barbara boxer to loot taxpayers of a billion dollars. Where is the FBI on this treasonous theft? This is bigger than anything Abramoff was convicted of and the leftist media doesn’t even mention it. Where is the outrage? It’s time to get out the tar and feathers and send these corruptocrats to jail!
Biden Got SEAL Team Six Killed! Say SEAL’s Parents
Seal Vaughn’s parents blame Vice President Joe Biden for endangering their son and fellow members of SEAL Team 6 by tying them to Bin Laden raid.
Biden Hates the Poor – Miserly Giving Until VP Candidate
When nobody was watching or scrutinizing the Bidens’ tax returns, they gave less than $200 to charity in 1998, which was less than 1/10 of one percent of their adjusted gross income.
Obawan Has Taught Him Well – Biden Bud Gets $20 Million Taxpayer Loan To Build Business …in Ukraine
Biden’s close friend and campaign donor John Hynansky secured a taxpayer funded loan of up to $20 million to open a luxury car dealership in the Ukraine. Yep, that’s right the UKRAINE!
Political Connections to Drive Up Electric Rates in Delaware
In the case of Bloom Energy, some truly big hitters are involved in what can only be described as highly suspect permit applications, crony capitalism, political pressure and secretive backroom deals that will benefit the few at the expense of countless taxpayers and ratepayers. What these arrangements could do to energy prices in Delaware and other states served by the PJM electricity grid is scary to ponder – and Bloom is trying to cut similar deals in North Carolina and elsewhere.
Biden rants to auto union – but admitted Obama lost jobs and closed factories
Biden seems desperate as he loses it while speaking to a friendly auto union crowd. Biden boasts of the auto union bailout with taxpayer dollars but bond holders and non-union workers got screwed in the union giveaway. Biden has admitted that dealerships and factories were closed and thousands lost jobs in Obama’s union payback that still has taxpayers on the hook for billions.
Obama takes wide stance on gay marriage to placate voting blocs
“We respect the right of all people to have a personal opinion,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said on May 7 — a day after Vice President Joe Biden endorsed marriage for gays and lesbians. – The Daily Caller