Post Tagged with: "Justice Department"

December 8, 2011 04:59

Money laundering added to Fast and Furious gun scandal

Rep. Issa says DOJ is incompetent. Fast and Furious was “out of control.” Now there are questions about money laundering by DEA. “Looks like [Holder] is out of touch.” Congressman Issa explains the latest stonewalling in the Fast and Furious scandal.

December 8, 2011 04:59

Money laundering added to Fast and Furious gun scandal

Rep. Issa says DOJ is incompetent. Fast and Furious was “out of control.” Now there are questions about money laundering by DEA. “Looks like [Holder] is out of touch.” Congressman Issa explains the latest stonewalling in the Fast and Furious scandal. More Fast and furious videos

September 28, 2011 19:12

Is Obama’s DOJ using secret interpretations of the Patriot Act to spy on citizens?

this makes it all but certain the intelligence agencies are secretly tracking people—and potentially large numbers of people—who it does not have probable cause to believe, and may not even suspect, are involved in terrorism or espionage.

June 22, 2011 05:02

ATF agent says Holder involved or incompetent in gun scandal

ATF Special Agent Jay Dobyns appeared on FOX and claims Attorney General Eric Holder either knew of the fiasco known as fast and furious or is incompetent in running the Justice Department. Some suspect that allowing assault and sniper rifles to “walk” into Mexico was a way for the Obama administration to justify claims that US guns were being used in Mexican drug cartel violence. When guns which were allowed to walk into Mexico were found at the scene of a Border Patrol agent’s murder ATF agents that had opposed the operation exposed the scheme.

June 17, 2011 03:59

Justice in Short Supply at Obama’s DOJ

[T]he Obama Justice Department has been ideologically driven, politically correct, incompetent, and even corrupt, as they defy the courts and Congress alike.

October 5, 2010 04:29

Evidence of an Insecure Border; Tunnels and a Dead American

Pirates killing Americans on a Texas lake and drug tunnels like whack-a moles make a mockery of claims by Obama and Napolitano about border security.

July 6, 2010 05:39

Rep. King is Right, Obama Wrong, on Race

Shortly after assuming his position, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder called America a “nation of cowards” because we were too afraid to speak about race. My former colleague Rep. Steve King (R.-Iowa) recently tried to initiate a discussion, and the Democrats and politically correct Republicans are castigating him.

June 19, 2010 08:56

‘ACORN Youth Union’ Chapters Were Funded by Justice Department, Says GAO

The GAO report says that in fiscal years 2005 through 2009 the federal government gave ACORN and what the GAO calls “potentially related organizations” more than $40 million in federal funds.

May 18, 2010 05:26

Holder ignoring bribes under his nose

Given credible allegations that federal laws against offering federal jobs in return for political favors were broken, a previous Washington Examiner editorial asked: “Isn’t that enough for somebody at the Department of Justice to start asking some serious questions?” The answer to that question still appears to be a resounding “no.”

April 30, 2010 04:28

U.S. Opens Criminal Investigation Into Goldman Sachs

New criminal inquiry follows civil fraud charges filed by the government against Goldman two weeks ago and as Congress pushes toward enacting sweeping legislation.