Post Tagged with: "lawsuits"

December 22, 2011 07:39

Judicial Hellholes: 10 Places Not to Do Business in the United States

States that don’t reform their system to eliminate such judicial hellholes are hurting their citizens and damaging their economies. They are guaranteeing that they will have lower wages, higher prices, decreased return on investments, less access to health care, and less innovation in comparison to states that provide predictable, fair, and efficient court systems that protect both businesses and injured parties.

August 29, 2011 06:16

Lawsuit-Happy Nation – a new lawsuit every 2 seconds

[T]here are over 1.2 million lawyers in the United States. That’s one attorney for every 254 Americans, which also makes some of the stunning statistics (and what a waste of resources) illustrated in the infographic below somewhat “logical”:

June 3, 2011 05:23

Looney Left Sues for Cash Rewards For Failing Schools

[L]itigation of this sort transfers control over an important issue like school funding from branches of government that are accountable to taxpayers and voters to a cluster of private litigators, expert witnesses, special masters, consultants, law professors, backers in liberal foundations, and so forth.

September 14, 2010 15:38

Illegal immigrant and convicted felon makes living from extortion

A disabled illegal alien, crack dealer and convicted felon has sued over 500 California businesses over minor ADA infractions. He makes a living along with his greedy attorney lying about infractions of the ADA.