Post Tagged with: "Mark Lloyd"

March 7, 2011 08:32

Who Objects to Free Speech?

Rather than attempt to censor those with whom we disagree, let us welcome a vigorous debate. If you don’t like what you hear, turn it off, but don’t deny others the freedom to speak or hear various viewpoints.

October 27, 2010 17:55

NPR CEO Vivian Schiller Key Architect of FCC Govt Takeover of the News

Schiller calls her creation the Public Media Platform, and the left is very excited about it. It’s a digital network in partnership with all the nation’s public news providers, built to distribute their news locally, regionally and nationally.

August 26, 2010 14:53

Saving Mark Lloyd – the FCC’s socialist diversity czar

Obama’s Federal Communications Commission “Diversity Czar” Mark Lloyd once said: There are few things, I think, more frightening in the American mind than dark-skinned black men. Here I am.

August 14, 2010 07:07

Protesters denounce Google plan for ‘two-tier internet’

Protesters outside the famed Googleplex said this would create a “pay-to-play” service and urged Google to live up to its famous motto “don’t be evil”. But do they know what is really going on?

August 4, 2010 04:12

Is Chavez Giving Socialism a Bad Name?

As Hollywood director Oliver Stone releases his pro-Hugo Chavez film, “South of the Border,” the Socialist International (SI) reports that the oil-rich Venezuelan ruler is suppressing dissent, interfering with freedom of the press, mismanaging the economy, and threatening peace in the region. – AIM

July 19, 2010 04:32

The push for media take over continues

Read up on this issue under MORE in the title bar and scroll down to propaganda. There is a continuing push for government control of all the information you receive. The FCC has been pushing an inappropriately titled ‘Net Neutrality’ to control the internet. The FTC is hiding its agenda under the idea of controlling ‘hate speech’ and people’s right to a leftist opinion even if it takes government funding and government rules to force it on the public.

June 2, 2010 07:25

A loud voice in FCC attempt to take over media, Mark Lloyd, wants government control of what you hear and see

Although we covered this a couple months ago, this is another socialist agenda item that just won’t die. The FCC is now trying to frame its need to control media as preventing ‘hate speech’.

June 2, 2010 07:09

Leftist groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks as a way to censor free speech

The organizations, which include Free Press, the Center for Media Justice, the Benton Foundation (which has ties to socialist FCC member Mark Lloyd) and left wing funded Media Alliance, also argue that the anonymity of the Web gives ammunition to those that would spread hate.

May 13, 2010 20:37

FCC defies court ruling and precedent – urgently trying to control internet

With Obama’s statements of ‘too much information’ being confusing and bad for democracy, and FCC’s Mark Lloyd praising Hugo Chavez’s ‘democratic revolution’, the FCC’s urgency to control the internet takes on ominous tones.

April 1, 2010 04:36

Here comes the official propaganda channel -taxpayer funded

FCC Adviser Backs ‘Public Media’ as ‘Filter’ and ‘Megaphone’ for Govt-Funded Internet Journalism