Post Tagged with: "Mexican drug cartel violence"

October 3, 2012 06:52

Katie Pavlich on Obama’s Lies and Cover-up of Fast and Furious

Katie Pavlich, who literally wrote the book on Operation Fast and Furious, delivered a very timely talk to the Accuracy in Media “ObamaNation: A Day of Truth,” conference on September 21st. It was the day after the Justice Department’s Inspector General issued a report on the scandalous gun walking operation that resulted in the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, and ICE agent Jaime Zapata, plus hundreds of Mexicans.

October 2, 2012 05:26

Univision Takes on Obama’s Murderous Gun Scandal

Univision News aired a “bombshell” hour-long report on their investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, revealing brand new evidence of international weapons smuggling by the U.S. government. – The Blaze

July 12, 2012 15:19

Murder was goal of Obama – Holder gun scandal

Innocent people dying was the objective of Fast and Furious, not collateral damage. – Ann Coulter

December 9, 2011 05:52

Fast and Furious Guns Murdered Elected Mexican Officials

Holder continues defending himself about his disastrous gun smuggling plan to increase the number of American guns used in Mexican drug cartel violence so that the administration could justify unconstitutional gun bans by citing higher numbers of US guns being used in Mexico. Video clip by MidNightRider2001:

December 9, 2011 05:52

Fast and Furious Guns Murdered Elected Mexican Officials

Holder continues defending himself about his disastrous gun smuggling plan to increase the number of American guns used in Mexican drug cartel violence so that the administration could justify unconstitutional gun bans by citing higher numbers of US guns being used in Mexico.

November 10, 2011 09:35

Family of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Still Seeking Answers from Holder, Obama

The family of murdered US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, who lost his life last December during a gun fight with Mexican drug cartels which were armed by the Obama Administration through deadly Operation Fast and Furious seeks.

November 1, 2011 09:33

NRA joins call for AG Holder firing

Joining a growing list of congressmen calling for Holder’s dismissal over the politically motivated gun smuggling operation known as “Fast and Furious” the NRA says Holder committed perjury. The DOJ gun running operation allowed weapons to be sold to buyers who then smuggled the weapons to Mexican drug cartels resulting in the death of a US border patrol agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens.

September 21, 2011 04:03

Bodies of 35 people abandoned in trucks in Mexico

More than 40,000 people have been killed in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon declared war on the drugs cartels in 2006. – BBC

September 13, 2011 08:38

Issa claims only reason for ATF gunrunner operation to justify gun control

Congressman Darrell Issa ripped into Attorney General Eric Holder on Laura Ingraham’s show this morning regarding the Operation Fast and Furious scandal. – IngrahamAngle

July 7, 2011 06:57

Mexican gunrunning scandal by Obama’s DOJ explodes

DOJ coverup of multi-departmental failed Operation Fast and Furious where not only were guns allowed to be bought and taken into Mexico but FBI funds were even used to buy some of the guns. How high does the scandal go? In carefully worded statements both Eric Holder and the White House have said that they did not “approve” the operation but did not deny knowledge of it.