When the government is starving, it goes hunting. We, unfortunately, are the prey. To the ruling class, we are nothing more than the feedstock to keep their plunder going.
Post Tagged with: "MF Global"
Corzine Knew Loans Were Made From Customer Accounts
Big money theft requires big lies. Corzine sounded like Sgt. Schultz from hogan’s Heroes when he said “I know nothing” at congressional hearings on the hundreds of millions missing in the MF Global bankruptcy scandal. Neil Cavuto called it being reduced to a sputtering Pee-wee Herman. Here an MF Global employee disputes Corzine’s claim to being clueless.
Cavuto: Corzine reduced to “sputtering Pee-wee Herman”
Neil Cavuto describes the naked emperor Jon Corzine and his clueless answers in the MF Global bankruptcy.
Another I don’t know Democrat – Corzine has Sgt Shultz moment
I know nothing! Its getting to be a familiar refrain among Democrats. Where have all the billions gone? New Jersey must be breathing a sigh of relief.
Barnhardt Capital closes – says futures and options markets are no longer viable
[T]here was no possible way to continue given the inevitability of the collapse of the global financial markets, the overthrow of our government, and the resulting collapse in the rule of law.
George Soros Trader Involved in Bankrupt Firm Tied to Obama
Hundreds of millions of dollars are reportedly now missing from the firm’s customer accounts. The firm is said to have experienced major losses because of questionable investments in European bonds.