Post Tagged with: "money-laundering"

December 8, 2011 04:59

Money laundering added to Fast and Furious gun scandal

Rep. Issa says DOJ is incompetent. Fast and Furious was “out of control.” Now there are questions about money laundering by DEA. “Looks like [Holder] is out of touch.” Congressman Issa explains the latest stonewalling in the Fast and Furious scandal.

December 8, 2011 04:59

Money laundering added to Fast and Furious gun scandal

Rep. Issa says DOJ is incompetent. Fast and Furious was “out of control.” Now there are questions about money laundering by DEA. “Looks like [Holder] is out of touch.” Congressman Issa explains the latest stonewalling in the Fast and Furious scandal. More Fast and furious videos

June 29, 2010 04:59

Banks Financing Mexico Drug Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal

Twenty million people in the U.S. regularly use illegal drugs, spurring street crime and wrecking families. Narcotics cost the U.S. economy $215 billion a year — enough to cover health care for 30.9 million Americans — in overburdened courts, prisons and hospitals and lost productivity, the department says.

“It’s the banks laundering money for the cartels that finances the tragedy,” says Martin Woods, director of Wachovia’s anti-money-laundering unit in London from 2006 to 2009. “If you don’t see the correlation between the money laundering by banks and the 22,000 people killed in Mexico, you’re missing the point,” Woods says.

March 6, 2010 12:07

Charitable Money Laundering For Democrats: The Tides Foundation

Set up in 1976 by California activist Drummond Pike, Tides does two things better than any other foundation or charity in the U.S. today: it routinely obscures the sources of its tax-exempt millions, and makes it difficult (if not impossible) to discern how the funds are actually being used.