Guess those electric cars will have to get their energy elsewhere. Keeping a campaign vow to bankrupt the industry, the administration revokes the permit for an approved, working coal mine in West Virginia.
Post Tagged with: "mountain top coal mining"
January 17, 2011 06:18
Is Obama lying about his focus on jobs and the economy?
David Asman compares the administration’s words with the reality of government actions that are destroying jobs and driving up energy prices which will cripple the economy.
January 17, 2011 05:49
E.P.A. Revokes Coal Mining Permit It Had Granted in 2007
The agency’s action on Thursday preempted a court decision and provoked an immediate outcry from West Virginia politicians, the coal industry and other businesses that have raised objections to what they consider economically damaging regulatory overreach by the E.P.A.