Post Tagged with: "Obama scandals"

December 17, 2013 08:44

O’ministration Ignores Laws – Who Needs a Congress?

If he can ignore drug and immigration laws can he suspend election laws?

November 6, 2013 16:24

Grand Theft Obama: Biggest Heist in History

The American people are being robbed of their livelihoods, their security and their freedom. President Obama makes grand sweeping gestures and delivers soaring rhetoric about helping the poor and achieving fairness. But he merely draws our attention away from the hand that is reaching deep into our pockets.

October 25, 2013 05:52

Thugocracy Ignored in IRS Scandal

‘intimidation campaign conducted by the IRS is much more politically motivated and coordinated than previously thought,’”

September 24, 2013 05:38

Did Obama’s Muslim Favoring Foreign Policy Cause Benghazi?

It could also partially explain the administration’s eagerness to falsely blame the attack on a YouTube video that Muslims found offensive, rather than acknowledge poor security conditions and a growing al-Qaeda movement in the region. After all, the President believes that core al Qaeda is on the run.

September 18, 2013 05:09

Proof IRS Still Targets Conservative Groups

This is just more evidence of Obama’s lawlessness and ideological cleansing for the “fundamental transformation” of America into a socialist “progressive” Marxist oligarchy.

June 21, 2013 07:00

America Waking Up to Scandalous, Lying O’ministration

It’s bad enough that the public doesn’t trust the president and his White House czars; it is disastrous when the Obama Administration’s cronyism and scandals destroy trust to the point that the credibility not just of this administration but of the whole of the United States Government is threatened.

June 19, 2013 05:44

Thug in Chief Puts Chicago Heat on Whistleblower

Strong-arm tactics emerge quickly when you threaten the reputation of the Obama Administration and its subordinates.

June 17, 2013 06:33

In God We Trust – Not the Losers in D.C.

Recap of the lies, lies and damn lies coming out of the Government by Judge Jeanine Pirro.

June 12, 2013 08:42

Our Shameful President’s Thugocracy

Thugocracy: Using the power of government to punish anyone who opposes, sweeping invasion of privacy on all Americans, arming murderous drug cartels to advance a political agenda, strong arming businesses to back the disastrous Obamacare which the people did not want. Obama has stated his disdain for the Constitution. Now he is showing us how much he disregards it.

June 11, 2013 06:47

Why is Anyone Surprised? U.S. Has Been Chicagoized

The Alinsky teaching, community organizing, Marxist has brought Chicago thug politics to the national scene. Reward your friends with the people’s money, intimidate and denigrate your opposition, and use the power of government at every level to advance your own agenda, punish your enemies and protect your lies.