I am amazed at the stubborn and clingy persistence of President Barack Obama’s snowblowers in the media. See no scandal, hear no scandal, speak no scandal. – CNSNews.com
Post Tagged with: "Obamacare waivers"
Corrupt Obamacare Waiver Process Is Like a Scene from Atlas Shrugged
[I]f you want a glimpse at America’s future, I encourage you to read (or re-read) the book. Or at least watch the movie.
Obama skirts rule of law to reward pals, punish foes
Punishing enemies and rewarding friends — politics Chicago style — seems to be the unifying principle that helps explain the Obamacare waivers, the NLRB action against Boeing and the IRS’ gift-tax assault on 501(c)(4) donors.
The Gangster President
Obama, Pelosi and other supporters at the time said the purpose of the health care law was to make medical care “affordable for all.” No such thing is true. If it were, waivers would not be required in the first place. And if it were, waivers would be granted to everyone, not just selected people who support the politicians that passed the law.
If unions don’t have to comply with Obamacare why do we?
Unions and Health Insurance Companies are the Biggest Beneficiaries of Obamacare Waivers. Is it because unions fund Obama and the Democrats? Or is it because the union agenda is Obama’s agenda? Why did AARP Willfully Betray its Members?
Palin – Obamacare waivers “corrupt”, “favoritism”
Biggest backers of Obamacare Pelosi and Reid have high demands for waivers from the onerous rules of Obamacare. Sarah Palin says “unflippingbelievable!” and Eric Bolling of Fox News’ Follow the money agrees.
Unions, Health Insurance Companies Biggest Beneficiaries of Obamacare Waivers
As of March 4, the number of health care waivers granted to various companies, unions and non-profit organizations stood at 1,040, up from 222 in December. A total of 2,624,720 people are covered by the 1,040 waivers.
No Waiver from Reality for Rep. Weiner
Now that it’s done, proponents of socialized medicine have run into another problem: Reality. Not political reality, but plain hard facts. One hard fact is that you cannot get something for nothing.
Obamacare waivers for all?
If corporations and unions can get a waiver from the health law, every American should get one. That is why I have introduced a bill that would allow anyone – an individual, a family, a small business – to receive a waiver. – Rep. Mike Rogers
House Hearing Reveals the Truth About the Obamacare Waivers – more favoritism
HHS bureaucrats know exactly what company’s application they are reviewing and whether they are union plans. This has arguably led to the disproportional acceptance of waiver application from large corporations and unions.