An alarm has been sounded for Republicans who advocate big-government, abortion, gay marriage, and gun control: Take heed! The GOP is being taken over by (gasp!) actual conservatives!
Post Tagged with: "organized labor"
Another big union payoff without congress
Obama administration seems to be anti-democracy in its favoritism to unions. ‘The fix is in’ with Obama and the unions.
Another big union payback for Obama election help
Labor unions will have an easier time organizing workers at U.S. airline and railroad companies after the Obama administration on Monday changed a 76-year-old rule on union elections. Another example of Obama bypassing congress to payoff election help.
Public sector unions clamor for more borrowing to fund their extravagant pensions and benefits bankrupting cities and states in the process
Shortfalls in states’ public-sector retiree pension and benefits plans, which reached $1 trillion in 2008 according to the Pew Charitable Trusts Center on the States, could bankrupt states absent reform.
SEIU & other labor union money linked to anti-Tea Party web site
A new Web site,, has connections to unions, including the Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Government Unions Win, You Lose
Coupled with union losses in the private sector economy, 2009 became the first year in American history that a majority of American union members work for the government. Specifically, 52% of all union members now work for the federal, state or local government, up from 49% in 2008. Or, to better illustrate these statistics: three times more union members work in the Post Office than in the auto industry.