U.S. has “turned Japanese” with a near lost decade of job creation. We should expect results that are similarly poor as in Japan in coming decades: we use the same policy prescription for the same ailment, why wouldn’t we have the same result?
Post Tagged with: "payroll tax"
Dysfunctional Government or Corrupt Media?
This latest controversy has been media driven. If they chose to tell the truth about what is going on here, and the damaging effects the Obama policies are having—adding about $1.5 trillion in new debt each year, plus the impact of burdensome regulations—they know it would severely damage his chances for re-election.
Boehner caves to massive propaganda campaign
Although Boehner and many house Republicans tried to “do the right thing” in extending the payroll tax holiday for a full year and the doc fix for two years they were crucified by the media over what amounts to a $40 dollar a month tax cut which cuts payments into social security. The media helped Obama paint himself as a tax cutter even though he has raised taxes, health insurance premiums, and energy costs way more than $40 a month.
Throw the bums out!
These clowns love this stuff. It has nothing to do with the right choices; it’s about the next election. They don’t give a damn about the country or it’s citizens. It’s about keeping their powerful jobs.
Boehner: “time for senate to act” – objections “entirely fictitious”
Speaker Boehner challenges the Democrat controlled senate and Obama on the House passed bill which extends the payroll tax holiday and requires Obama to decide on the Keystone pipeline.
Boehner: “time for senate to act” – objections “entirely fictitious”
Speaker Boehner challenges the Democrat controlled senate and Obama on the House passed bill which extends the payroll tax holiday and requires Obama to decide on the Keystone pipeline.