Post Tagged with: "Planned Parenthood"

June 4, 2013 06:13

Left’s Culture of Death Gave Us Gosnell – and Will Again

Further illustrating America’s moral decay, when it comes to protecting children who survive an abortion, no less than the man most recently elected (twice!) President of the U.S., Barack Hussein Obama himself, advocated a position that differs little from Gosnell’s.

April 4, 2013 03:51

Planned Parenthood Wants Abortion Survivors Killed Not Helped

Remember the (D) stands for the party of death. This is the same treatment Obama spoke for as a senator – let the babies die! See “Abortion doctor charged with murder for doing what Obama defended” A West Philadelphia abortion doctor, Gosnell, has been charged with murder for gruesome killing of aborted babies. He should use Obama’s words as a senator as a defense. See “Gruesome photos included in abortion doctors grand jury report”

January 31, 2013 07:41

Black Group Twitter Account Suspended for Challenging NAACP

“The NAACP is out of touch with the black community,” said Rev. Edward Pinkney, President of Black Autonomy Network Community Organization (BANCO), “…and supports population control as set forth by Planned Parenthood which has targeted black people.”

January 18, 2013 06:30

Subsidizing the Slaughter of Innocents

Abortion is big business for Planned Parenthood, and Uncle Sam continues to be a complicit financier of the organization’s ghoulish practices.

October 4, 2012 04:48

Abortion and poverty have taken the place of fathers

41% of all U.S. children are born to unmarried women: 35.7% of white children and an astounding 72.3% of black children. Children who grow up in single female-led homes are 5 times more likely to live in poverty.

October 2, 2012 07:46

Updated List Identifies Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood

New boycott targets include Intuit (Go-Payment, Lacerte, Mint, ProSeries, QuickBooks, Quicken, SnapTax, TurboTax, etc.) and VIA Rail (train service in Canada).

September 5, 2012 05:57

Planned Parenthood Handing Out Condoms At DNC With Anti-Romney Ryan Message On Them

When a campaign has to stoop to using something as personal and private as a condom to denigrate your opponent, it can only be seen as an act of desperation from a morally depraved group of individuals. – Godfather Politics

August 29, 2012 09:03

Black Pro-life Coalition Demands Criminal Investigation of Planned Parenthood

The National Black Pro-Life Coalition (NBPLC), pro-life leaders from across the United States, is demanding an investigation of Planned Parenthood for criminal negligence and depraved indifference in the death of Tonya Reaves

July 30, 2012 06:18

Planned Parenthood Death Draws Calls for Abortion Regulation

Planned Parenthood delayed summoning emergency care for the dying woman for five and a half hours after a severely botched abortion.

July 18, 2012 09:16

$28 Million Planned Parenthood Fraud Suit: Everything You Need To Know

Planned Parenthood could be ordered to pay the United States and Iowa as much as $5,500,000,000 in False Claims Act damages and penalties.