A pro-amnesty coalition of business and union interests is putting the squeeze on members of the House.
Post Tagged with: "progressive votes"
June 21, 2013 08:18
Obama’s Fave Reveals Real Goal of Immigration ‘Reform’ (amnesty) – 8 million Progressive/Socialist/Democrat Voters
Will GOP commit suicide? Does anyone believe Democrats on border security THIS time? Watch an officer of Obama’s favorite union, SEIU, tell his troops why they need amnesty.
March 19, 2013 04:34
Real Goal of Immigration ‘Reform’ – 8 million Progressive voters
An SEIU officer explains why the union and the Democrat “progressives” want “comprehensive immigration reform” with a path to citizenship for twelve million illegals. At present ratios that will add eight million voters to the Democrat rolls which will be sufficient to swing many elections at local, state and national levels.
December 21, 2011 13:45
Obama – SEIU ties and the real goal of amnesty
Easy to see the connections here. The Mayor is just following advice from SEIU/Obama on “organizing” for power.