Post Tagged with: "propaganda media"

May 11, 2012 12:35

‘Spooky Dude’ Soros to give $100 million to Obama media groups

Soros is a major donor to the Democratic Party and to progressive causes and foundations. This week he announced he will be donating $100 million to support progressive groups this cycle. One of the first million-dollar donations will go to American Bridge, an oppo-research PAC set up by Media Matters founder David Brock. – Breitbart’s Big Journalism

December 14, 2011 06:02

Dumbing Down Journalism – The Rise of American Propaganda

There has been an unspoken redefining of journalism from objective reporting to active participation, deliberately shaping public opinion whether the core of the content offered is true or not.

November 25, 2011 12:15

“We Can’t Wait” For the Media to Act Responsibly

[Media] have largely ignored or completely downplayed numerous stories that reflect quite negatively on the Obama administration. These stories include serious scandals, and outrageous political decisions meant to help ensure his re-election.

July 22, 2011 05:08

A Brief History of the Modern Media

The left is always lurking out there, wanting to reinstate a Fairness Doctrine in some form or another, whether legislatively or through less-than-transparent FCC regulations. And it is always about “fairness.” It is more important that the press remain free than being forced to be fair, according to the standards of politicians or bureaucrats.

July 1, 2011 04:58

Comedian Colbert Forming Campaign Finance ‘Super PAC’ With FEC Approval

Colbert [..] sought a media exemption to let him use the show’s resources, such as air time and staff, without it being viewed as an in-kind contribution to Comedy Central’s parent company, Viacom Inc. –

June 29, 2011 05:29

Why they’re afraid of Michele Bachmann

Rep. Bachmann is an accomplished, smart straight talking conservative woman with a titanium spine. She is not afraid to call the Obama administration a “gangster government” on the floor of the House. Without reservation she has said she has seen Obama “usher in socialism under his watch over the last two years.” As she gains exposure in the 2012 race the leftist media will attack her even worse than Palin.

June 6, 2011 06:00

Why PBS Is a Public Menace

If anything should be kept separate from government and politics, it’s the news and public-affairs programming that informs Americans about government and its policies. When government brings us the news — with all the inevitable bias and spin — it is putting its thumb on the scales of democracy.

May 10, 2011 05:33

Obama and the media hiding Islamic terror?

No motive? Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and carrying a passport from Yemen the man who tried to break into the cockpit of an American Airlines flight clearly was an Islamic terrorist. Is our Homeland security and our media clueless?

April 1, 2011 14:35

Democrats Counting on Media in Fiscal Showdown

” Democrats won’t embrace even the paltry first step back toward fiscal sanity that House Republicans are asking for. They’d rather shut down the government and cross their fingers that the GOP gets blamed, as during the Clinton presidency.”

March 3, 2011 05:21

Feminist Media Promote Flawed White House Report

“President Obama has a clear female bias and agenda.” Rudov asserts, citing a major government study, that there is no real wage gap, as depicted in the White House report, and that the evidence shows that men have suffered the most from the economic downturn.